
Seller Partnership Agreement


This Agreement is designed to establish a mutually beneficial partnership between Seller and Marketplace. Seller will provide their products or services for sale on the Marketplace, and Marketplace will provide Seller with access to its platform, marketing tools, and customer base.


In this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

  • "Marketplace" means VentoCart, the online marketplace where Seller will offer their products or services.

  • "Seller" means [Seller Name], the individual or entity that has agreed to provide their products or services for sale on the Marketplace.

  • "Products" means the software, extensions, scripts, themes, or other digital goods that Seller agrees to offer for sale on the Marketplace.

  • "Customers" means the individuals or entities that purchase Products from Seller through the Marketplace.

  • "Fees" means the commissions and other fees that Seller agrees to pay to Marketplace in connection with the sale of Products.

Participation Requirements

1. Registration and Account

  • Seller agrees to provide accurate and complete information during the registration process.

  • Seller is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their login credentials.

  • A seller account is strictly personal and may not be shared or managed by any unauthorized parties.

2. Product Listings

  • Seller agrees to provide accurate and truthful information in product listings.

  • Seller is responsible for ensuring that product descriptions are clear, concise, and accurately reflect the product's features and functionality.

  • Seller shall comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws and regulations related to product descriptions.

  • The Marketplace reserves the right to review and approve product listings before they are made available for sale.

3. Support and Communication

  • Seller commits to providing prompt and effective support to customers for a minimum of six months after the product has been sold.

  • Seller agrees to respond to customer inquiries promptly and professionally, with a maximum response time of 72 hours on working days.

  • Seller agrees to respond to customer inquiries promptly and professionally.

  • Seller's communication with customers should be clear, concise, and in adherence to data protection laws.

  • Seller is responsible for maintaining accurate records of customer support interactions.

4. Compliance with Laws

  • Seller shall comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws and regulations, including but not limited to intellectual property laws, data protection laws, and privacy laws.

  • Seller is responsible for ensuring that their products do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.

  • Seller agrees to handle customer data in a responsible and secure manner.

  • Seller shall not use the Marketplace's platform to engage in any illegal or harmful activities.

5. Prohibited Content

  • Seller shall not list or promote illegal, harmful, or offensive content on the Marketplace.

  • This includes content that is:

    • Hateful or discriminatory

    • Violent or threatening

    • Inappropriate for children

    • Copyrighted or trademarked without the express permission of the copyright or trademark holder

  • Seller shall not engage in false or misleading advertising.

6. Quality Assurance

  • Seller agrees to maintain a high standard of quality in their products and services.

  • Seller shall regularly review and update their products to ensure that they meet the highest standards of quality and functionality.

  • Seller shall provide clear and comprehensive documentation for their products.

7. Intellectual Property

  • Seller must have legal rights to sell the listed products.

  • Intellectual property infringement is strictly prohibited.

  • Seller agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Marketplace from any claims or damages arising from intellectual property infringement.

8. Fees and Payments

  • Seller agrees to a 10% commission fee on all sales, plus transaction fees charged by payment processors.

  • Seller is responsible to be informed about the transaction fees of the payment processors

  • Seller agrees to close disputes with clients by issuing a refund if the disputes aren't resolved, Seller acknowledges that the marketplace reserves the right to issue refunds to clients on behalf of the sellers when deemed appropriate. In such cases, any financial burden resulting from refunds rests with the seller. Seller agrees that the marketplace bears no liability to cover any costs or damages incurred.

  • Seller is responsible for paying all applicable taxes and fees related to their sales.

  • Payments to sellers are automatically distributed daily by the payment processor (Stripe).

9. Liability Limitations

  • The Marketplace is not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the products.

  • Seller acknowledges the inherent risks of online transactions and agrees not to hold the Marketplace liable for financial losses.

10. Dispute Resolution

  • Seller agrees to engage in good faith efforts to resolve disputes with customers.

  • Seller is responsible for providing evidence to support their claims.

  • If a dispute cannot be resolved amicably, the Marketplace may mediate the dispute.

  • Seller agrees to abide by the Marketplace's mediation decision.

11. Termination

  • The Marketplace reserves the right to terminate Seller's account for repeated violations of this Agreement.

  • Termination may result from severe breaches or failure to rectify non-compliance.

  • Seller shall be given written notice of termination.

  • Seller shall have the opportunity to appeal the termination decision.

  • Upon termination, Seller shall cease all use of the Marketplace and shall return all Marketplace property.

12. Confidentiality

  • Seller shall not disclose confidential information obtained through participation in the Marketplace.

  • This includes information about the Marketplace's business, products, customers, and partners.

  • Confidential information shall not be disclosed to unauthorized third parties.

  • This obligation persists even after the termination of this Agreement.

13. Amendments

  • The Marketplace reserves the right to amend these terms.

  • Seller will be notified of any changes to the Agreement.

  • Continued participation constitutes acceptance of amendments.

14. Governing Law

  • This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].

  • Any legal action or proceeding arising under this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the courts of [Jurisdiction].

15. API Usage

  • Sellers are permitted to use only vital API calls directly related to the product functionality within the extensions, scripts, themes, or any product they offer for sale on the Marketplace.

  • Unauthorized or excessive API calls unrelated to vital functionality in the listed products are strictly prohibited.

16. Data Collection and Privacy

  • Sellers must obtain explicit consent from customers before collecting any personal data through the extensions, scripts, themes, or other products they offer for sale.

  • Data collection practices must align with GDPR or relevant data protection laws in the respective regions or the equivalent laws in the United States, ensuring transparency and clear communication with customers.

17. Compliance with Privacy Laws

  • Sellers shall adhere to all applicable data protection laws, including but not limited to GDPR or equivalent laws in their respective regions or relevant United States laws.

  • The Marketplace is not liable for any legal consequences arising from the Seller's non-compliance with privacy laws in any jurisdiction.

18. Content Integrity

  • Any content uploaded, including extensions, themes, or scripts, must comply with ethical standards in the Marketplace.

  • Misleading or deceptive practices in the description or functionality of the products are strictly prohibited.

19. Security Measures

  • Sellers are responsible for implementing security measures within the extensions, scripts, themes, or other products to protect customer data and prevent unauthorized access.

  • The Marketplace may conduct security reviews to ensure compliance with industry standards.

20. Transparency in Product Descriptions

  • Sellers must provide accurate and comprehensive product descriptions for the extensions, scripts, themes, or other products offered for sale.

  • Any hidden functionalities or characteristics must be disclosed transparently in the product descriptions.

21. Usage of Third-Party Services

  • Sellers using third-party services or integrations within their products must ensure compliance with the terms of those services.

  • The Marketplace is not responsible for issues arising from the use of third-party services within the products.

22. Notification of Security Incidents

  • Sellers must promptly inform the Marketplace of any security incidents or data breaches related to the extensions, scripts, themes, or other products they offer for sale.

  • Failure to report such incidents may result in immediate termination of the partnership.

23. Exclusivity

  • Sellers are prohibited from offering the same products with different prices or offers on competing platforms during the active partnership with the Marketplace.

  • Exclusive products contribute to a unique experience for customers on the Marketplace.

24. Marketing and Advertising

  • Sellers are prohibited from engaging in misleading marketing or advertising practices related to the extensions, scripts, themes, or other products they offer for sale.

  • False claims about products, pricing, or promotions are strictly forbidden.

25. Customer Feedback

  • Sellers are encouraged to actively seek and respond to customer feedback related to the extensions, scripts, themes, or other products they offer for sale.

  • Consistent negative feedback may result in a review of the Seller's account status on the Marketplace.

26. Independent Contractor Relationship

  • Seller acknowledges that they are an independent contractor and not an employee of the Marketplace.

  • No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship is created.

27. Effective Date

  • By continuing participation in the Marketplace, Seller agrees to abide by the revised terms outlined in this Agreement.

  • The effective date of this Agreement is the date of Seller's acceptance of these additional terms.

  • The Marketplace reserves the right to amend these terms with proper notice to Sellers.