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Gift Cards

Overview Gift cards allow your customers to purchase a gift card, share it with others, or keep t..

Abandoned Carts

Abandoned Cart Documentation Overview The Abandoned Cart system helps track abandoned carts an..

Guest Order Status

Overview The Guest Order Status feature allows guest customers, who have not created an account, ..

Backend API - For ERP Bridging

Admin API Overview The Admin API is a revamped version of OpenCart's old "PseudoAPI." It leverage..

FrontEnd Headless API

FrontEnd API communication 1. Initial API Request and Session Creation Client Initiates..

Option incompatibility, should we go back?

Talking about database schemas in MySQL and performance is a big story for those nerds who got that ..

Language System Revamp

  We're excited to announce the launch of our revamped language management system! This new ..

VentoCart Update 28/12/2023

New Feature: Drag and Drop Categories Implemented a new feature allowing users to drag and d..

Installing VentoCart

Installing Ventocart involves several steps to ensure proper configuration and functionality. Follow..

Advanced Shipping

The Advanced Shipping Extension is the only Shipping Extension you need, it is simple, easy to use, ..

Showing 1 to 10 of 11 (2 Pages)