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Subscription Documentation


Recurring orders refer to payments set by the administrator for customers to be billed on a recurring basis. These are configured in the Catalog > Recurring Profiles > Add Recurring Profile section.

To access recurring orders:

  • Navigate to Sales in the admin panel  / Subscriptions


Recurring Orders Details

  • Order ID: The ID of the order linked to the recurring payment.
  • Payment Reference: The ID of the recurring profile in PayPal Express (by default).
  • Customer: The customer's name in OpenCart.
  • Status: The payment status in PayPal or Stripe.

Subscription Setup

Subscriptions are linked to products for sale. To set up a subscription, navigate to Admin > Catalog > Subscriptions and fill in the following details:

  1. Subscription Plan Name: [English]
  2. Trial: Indicates if there is a trial period.
  3. Trial Duration: The number of payments during the trial period.
  4. Trial Cycle: Subscription amounts are calculated based on the frequency and cycles.
  5. Trial Frequency: If the frequency is set to "week" and the cycle is "2", the user will be billed every 2 weeks.
  6. Trial Status: Status of the trial period.
  7. Subscription Duration: The number of times the user will be billed. Set to 0 for ongoing payments until cancellation.
  8. Cycle: Subscription amounts are calculated based on frequency and cycles.
  9. Frequency: Defines how often the user will be billed (e.g., "week" with a cycle of "2" for bi-weekly billing).
  10. Status: The current status of the subscription.
  11. Sort Order: The order in which subscriptions appear.

Linking Subscription to a Product

  1. After creating the subscription, go to the Subscription tab in the product settings.
  2. Click the blue button with the plus icon and select the desired subscription to link.

Subscription Management

  • Subscriptions can only be purchased through Stripe or PayPal.
  • Subscription activation, deactivation, and recurring payments are managed automatically by Stripe on the due date. If a subscription is unpaid, it will expire in the VentoCart system via the Stripe API.
  • If the payment is successfully processed, the subscription will be reactivated.
  • Customers can manage their subscriptions and payment methods through their accounts. They can pause, resume, or cancel a subscription manually.

Key Points

  1. Visibility in Admin: A subscription purchased will not appear in Admin > Subscriptions until the order status reaches "Completed" or "Processing."

  2. Customer Account Visibility: A subscription will not appear in the customer’s "My Account" until the associated order is marked as "Completed" in both the order history and the subscription history.

  3. Payment Methods: Subscriptions are strictly processed electronically via Stripe or PayPal. They cannot be purchased via other methods like bank deposits or cash payments.

  4. Cron Jobs: To ensure subscriptions are updated correctly, you should enable the corresponding cron jobs for automated processing.